Firearms Training

Firearms Identification

Completing an Acquisition and Disposition (A&D) book requires the proper identification of firearms so the data entered is correct. We will provide this information in an easy to follow class that will provide you with the necessary knowledge of the manner ATFE wants firearms identified.  The class will also include the proper completion of the A&D book.

Foreign Weapons

Being able to identify foreign-manufacture weapons is essential to Law Enforcement, Government Agencies, and dealers whose work concerns foreign arms. This course will equip students with the means to identify foreign weapons.

Use of Machine Guns, Machine Gun ID

For the Law Enforcement or Government unit that needs the knowledge to exploit intelligence and trafficking schemes when machineguns are recovered.

Basic Firearms Training

Basic course offering for new shooters: students will learn the fundamentals of shooting, function of firearms, and developing basic shooting skills. This training focus is on a pistol, with a short introduction to semiautomatic rifles.

Advanced Firearms Training

For intermediate (or better) shooters: various tailored course offerings covering the engagement of multiple targets, effective use of barricades, shooting on the move, engagement from 3-50 yards, shoot/don’t shoot scenarios, and fighting out of an ambush from a stationary vehicle/position. Courses are designed around the needs of the student and weapons system(s) required.

Hunting Training

This course covers the basics of operating a firearm in wooded terrain, and engaging targets at an unknown distance through dense brush.


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