Consulting Services

NFA/GCA Expertise

Rick is knowledgeable on all regulations and statutes pertaining to the National Firearms Act (NFA) and Gun Control Act (GCA), which regulate the manufacture, sale, importation, and transfer of various specific firearms/accessories.  He can guide you through compliance with these regulations as a new business operator, or as an individual collector. Rick has served on numerous occasions in court as an expert witness for the following municipalities…

  • Seattle, Washington

  • Miami, Florida

  • Scranton, Pennsylvania

  • Washington, D.C.

  • Harrisburg, Virginia

  • Denver, Colorado

  • Colombia, South Carolina

  • The State of Kentucky

  • The State of Wisconsin

Firearms Importation

The importation of firearms is regulated and administered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  

Did you know that an individual has the ability to import a sporting firearm?  

Rick can assist commercial businesses in the importation of firearms and components; or the individual trying to make that one-time importation of a very special acquisition.

Technical Evaluations

Rick offers evaluations of new firearms concepts, silencers, muzzle brakes, and numerous firearms-related items and accessories for function and compliance.  


Milsurp Firearms Parts Purchasing